Curriculum for Green Forest course series 1 – 2 in English

The Green Forest course series was designed specifically for forest farmers in Iceland. The first group of farmers graduated in 2004 and in total about 400 farmers have finished the course series since then. This kind of a program for forest farmers is unique to Iceland and the farmers who have gone through the program have shown significantly better results in their forestry than farmers that have not been in the program. Therefore this methodology and approach has been of great interest for other partners and an innovative way of educating forest farmers.

During the TreProX project the curriculum was translated into English to ensure its transferability to other countries that might be interested in similar projects. The Danish and Swedish partners are considering to use the Green forest methodology to start such course series and will use the curriculum to enhance their own forestry programs. The achieved output is the complete curriculum of the Green Forest course series 1 and 2 in English.