
Course material

Eiríkur Þorsrteinsson

Verkefnið gæðafjalir

This slideshow is in Icelandic and shows how the platform for cooperation of wood quality products was created with a declaration of cooperation between the
Icelandic University of Agriculture, Iceland Forest Service, The National Association of Forest Owners, The Reykjavík Forestry Association and the Innovation Center Iceland on 13.6.2018.

FÁS-2a-ÍST INSTA 142-Icelandic

This slideshow is in English and is an introduction to the standard ÍST-INSTA 142:2009, which is used in the Nordic countries for the strength classification of timber from coniferous trees.

FÁS-2b-ÍST INSTA 142-English

This slideshow is in English and is an introduction to the standard ÍST-INSTA 142:2009, which is used in the Nordic countries for the strength classification of timber from coniferous trees.

Eiríkur Þorsrteinsson

Um viðskiptaflokkun á timbri

This slideshow is in Icelandic and is a discussion of classification traditions and how the timber is sawn from the trunk according to certain sawing methods.
It states whether certain elements in the timber are allowed or not in the various categories.

Eiríkur Þorsrteinsson

Kynning á bókinni gæðafjalir-inngangur

This slideshow is in Icelandic and is an introduction to the book Gæðafjalir.
It provides an overview of the book, but also specific aspects that should be of interest to those who are in charge of sawing timber.

Ólafur Eggertsson

Vatn og viður

This slideshow is in Icelandic and is a discussion about water in the wood and in its environment and what happens during the drying of the wood, drying time, humidity and its measurements.
Whether and how the shape of the wood will change under different conditions.

Eiríkur Þorsrteinsson


This slideshow is in Icelandic and is a discussion on how wood is dried and why. The wood is dried using different methods and measurements related to them.

Ólafur Eggertsson

Gæðafjalir 1. Inngangur

This slideshow is in Icelandic and is a review of the content of the book Gæðafjalir and explains what the book is for.

Ólafur Eggertsson

Gæðafjalir 2. Sögunaraðferðir

This slideshow is in Icelandic and the content of the book is reviewed in more detail with regard to sawing methods for timber piles and dimensions.

Ólafur Eggertsson

Gæðafjalir 3. Flokkun

This slideshow is in Icelandic and the content of the book is reviewed in more detail with regard to the categories presented there and what they are for.

Ólafur Eggertsson

Gæðafjalir 4. Flokkunaraðferðir

This slideshow is in Icelandic and the content of the book is reviewed in more detail with regard to the classification methods presented there.


This project aims to create the foundation for an emerging small-scale, forest-based industry in Iceland by learning from experiences of other Scandinavian partners.

The Agricultural University of Iceland and the Iceland Forest Service have followed closely the forest development in Iceland over past decades. The history of forestry in Iceland is rather short since the first woods were only planted about 100 years ago. But growing timber for harvesting only began around the 1980s, when farmers started planned forestry with governmental support schemes.

Today – 40 years later it has become an urgent matter to formulate and implement coordinated quality assessment guides for the main tree species used in Icelandic forestry.

The creation of wood-processing knowledge on an Iceland-specific level will be the foundation to kick off this development. Wider possibilities of using Icelandic quality timber will also serve to make the forest industry more sustainable. Therefore a main outcome of this innovative project will be to build up wood-processing education in Iceland and furthermore transfer and adapt existing European timber standards to Icelandic circumstances in close cooperation with experienced partners from countries with a long wood processing history (Sweden and Denmark).

The exciting training and teaching materials from Denmark and Sweden will be updated and adapted to Icelandic circumstances. All of the materials will be adjusted to digital learning principles.

Further project outcome will be the revision of a curriculum that enables the transfer of Icelandic lessons learned from kickstarting commercial timberlands to third countries who are facing similar challenges.