On day two of the TreProX Iceland workshop Bent Jensen from Copenhagen University Forestry School talked about how planting and maintenance of forests directly affects timber quality. He gave quite a few examples of good and bad practices and the discussions that followed his presentation were very lively.

In the afternoon the group visited Norðtunguskógur, a forest in the care of the Iceland Forest Services (IFS). The Forest Manager for the western region of Iceland, Jón Auðunn received the group and talked about the history of the area. The group walked through a part of the forest and Jón Auðunn explained various projects the staff of the IFS has been working on in the woods and the challenges they are faced with in the area.

After the walk through the forest the IFS offered refreshments which were well received, in spite of the pouring rain. The day was concluded with a visit to Krauma, a very popular sauna and hot tub place in the vicinity of Deildartunguhver, the most powerful hot water spring in Iceland.